Puppy dog ( 6, 2 abs) 1 Peach’s Rubeus Hagrid to Kilbourne. Very well matured ten month old dog; very well presented. Handsome masculine head, rather soft ears, good neck and front. Good topline and underline. Very strong hindquarters and scored on his ultra sound rear action and his calm character. Has rather long feet. Moved very well, especially for a baby. 2. Luckhurst Paisley Very promising seven month old dog. Head could be more masculine and front is very unfinished as yet , scored on his excellent topline. Narrow over the rear quarters as yet. Very good feet. 3 Clanardswood Sun Seeker Nine month old dog of promise. Lovely head , very good well folded ears. Good neck and front. At present is very overdone in topline, not helped by a steep croup. I feel that this is a stage and that as he grows and matures these qualities will correct themselves.
Junior ( 9, 3 abs) A very good class, overall, with little separating them. 1. Zanten-Boomgard & Jersel’s Cockaigne Chidish v d Meirse Weiden. Twelve month old dog , very well finished and well grown. Very pleasant masculine head, very good neck and excellent front, topline and underline. Lovely hindquarters, and a very good and steady mover 2. Kilbourne Max. fifteen month old dog, also very well finished. Handsome masculine head, very good neck and front. Excellent topline and strong hindquarters. Moved very well but did not use his hindquarters as well as the winner. 3 Kaleginy The Forester. Fifteen month old dog of quality, who scored in this class on his action, which was graceful and with freedom. Masculine head ears could be better folded, good neck and front. Strong topline and good hindquarters.
Yearling (8) 1 and reserve best dog; Finnett & Heathcote’s Hyndsight Desperado . 20 month old of lovely type and outline; initially somewhat put off by the carpet and the overall surroundings. He has a most lovely head, is very good over the neck and front, scoring on his excellent bone and feet. Excellent topline, and has typical somewhat drooping hindquarters. Moved with great freedom, but I must admit that I would like to have seen him outside, moving on grass. Coat could have been more tidy. 2. Greyflax Domino to Jamalison For me this dog is rather too heavy in build, but he earned his placing on his overall soundness . Strong in head, neck could be a bit longer for overall balance, good front and topline, good strong hindquarters. Moved well 3; Hyndsight to the Limit with Ladygrove. Litter brother to the winner, this dog has a somewhat more unfinished look about him. Handsome head with good ears, good neck and front, good topline and hindquarters. Moved well, very well presented and handled.
Special beginners, Novice (3) all previously seen dogs 1. Wilce Quinon’s Hyndsight Skirl. 17 month old dog, who has grown very tall, and is therefore rather upright over his front. Handsome head, good ears. Very good and strong topline. Won this class on his excellent action. 2.Leoch Jock strongly built dog with a nice masculine head. Front could be more finished, in that he still toes out. Strong topline,rather high tailset. Moved well. 3. Clanardswood summer Hawk very much a baby, this nine month old, and presently rather short coupled, and has a very steep croup. Tends to stand over his hindquarters, very much a stage of development.
Special beginners, open (5, 1 abs) all new dogs 1. Faircloth’s Beardswood Ripley for Calbraidh Three year old , tall and substantial. Handsome masculine head, good ears relatively low set, good neck and rather forward set front. Good solid topline, good hindquarters. Moved very well. 2. Packway Commanche Moon Another tall dog, well presented. Nice head, good ears, good neck and front, although he tends to toe out. Good topline and underline, nicely angulated hindquarters. 3. Regalflight Poacher at Leksmoor. Workmanlike dog, of good type. Handsome head, good ears, good neck and front, excellent firm topline, croup rather steep and tends to stand under himself.
Undergrad dog (6, 4 abs) 1. Peach’s Stormforest Naharris to Kilbourne. 22 month old dog who is very immature looking today, partly due to his rather sparse coat. Long and rather narrow head, good neck, stands very upright over his front and pasterns today. Good firm topline, good hindquarters. Scored here on his lovely and easy movement. 4th in a previous class. 2. Wolfscastle Caradog. Today he was very private in character. Handsome head, good front and topline . Went reasonably well and soundly.
Postgrad dog ( 7, 4 abs) 1. Steele’s Cotherstone the Barrister at Sorimsway Not a dog that stands out on immediate inspection, but he is a very typical of his breed. Handsome head, good low set ears, good neck ad front, excellent topline, croup and hindquarters, although he does not want to be corrected here, preferring to be free stacked for a goodie. Lovely free action. 2.Beardswood Strahan at Peopleton . Lovely dog who is too long in coupling, I feel. Nice masculine head, ears too soft in texture, good neck and front, good solid topline, and strong hindquarters. Very ground covering sideaction. Presented in lovely muscular condition. 3. Greyflax the Jazz Singer to Jamalison A very typical dog, of proper substance. Lovely head and expression, good neck and front although I feel he is too upright in upper arm. Good over the topline but steep in croup. Nice strong hindquarters. Went well but I would like his front action more free.
Limit dog ( 11,1 abs) Best dog and Best in Show: 1 Girling’s Pyefleet Tarka My comments here were simply that this is a very lovely dog ! Most beautiful head with lovely ears, good strong neck set well into an excellent front, proper bone for size and make, rather long feet. Beautiful topline, croup and strong hindquarters, well set and carried tail. Presented in most typical coat of proper texture. To finish the picture he has the most free and typical action, very light on his feet. At just three years of age is just coming into his best. I just loved him! 2 Regalflight Tomahawk at Ollandsheart another very good dog, of lovely size and make. N ice head, although somewhat lacking in furnishings, very good strong neck, very good front, proper bone and feet. Excellent topline, croup and hindquarters. Very good and sound in action. In wonderful condition for over six years of age. On reflection, I should have called him in to challenge for the reserve best dog…3. Luckhurst Nebo to Wolfscastle. A smallish dog scoring on beautiful breed type and soundness. Nice head, good front, excellent topline, croup and hindquarters Very nice dog.
Open (9, 3 abs) 1 Bauman’s Ch Regalflight Tarloch. An old friend, who I awarded the CC to nearly two years ago, when I last judged the breed. He is now just over six years old and looks just as good. He has a lovely masculine head, good ears, very good strong neck and good front quarters. Very good bone and feet. Very typical topline, good croup and hindquarters. He moved very well and truly. I discover now that he is a litter brother to the second in the previous class, so no wonder I so like these two dogs ! 2. Ch Kwaricott Corelli. A very interesting dog for me to assess, as he is a much stronger built and more substantial dog, dare I say more Wolfhound like. He has a lovely head, good ears, good neck and front quarters. Strong in bone, good feet. He has a good strong topline, but for me lacks the finish over the croup. Lovely strong hindquarters. Moved very freely and with verve. 3. Sireadh Chase. Six year old dog of lovely overall type ad make. Went very well. Half brother to the winner of this class.
Veteran ( 6 m, 3 abs) 1. Wilson’s Ch Hamiltonhill Fred D Mercury. A very good dog of nearly eight years, of lovely breed type. Most beautiful head and expression, good neck and front. Topline is good and his croup and hindquarters very typical. He moved very well, especially considering his age. 2. Lealla lephin. Another seven year old dog, scoring on his very good breed type. Lovely head, and body, excellent topline , croup and hindquarters. ~Went well. 3. Kilbourne Hennessy Junior of Deeranwith. Another seven year old dog, very typical for his age. Lovely head, good neck and front. Feet a bit long and flat now. Topline could be more accentuated. Went well enough.
Puppy bitch ( 11, 3 abs) 1 and Best Puppy in Show: Peach’s Blixten Star to Kilbourne ( imp fin) Beautiful eight month old baby, so well finished. Beautiful feminine head, lovely ears, good neck and front, excellent depth of chest making for a beautiful underline; topline to match, good croup and strong hindquarters. Moved so well for such a youngster. There is nothing I would wish to change…2. Luckhurst Pani Seven month old baby, a smaller and more elegant version of the winner. Sweet head, ears that she needs to grow into, good neck and front, excellent topline and hindquarters. Moved very well for a baby. 3. Clanardwood Shirona. Ten month old bitch, quite tall but well grown. Nice head, good front, although in growing her upper arm is now rather upright. Very high on the leg, as her chest still needs to drop. Good strong rear quarters. Moved well.
Junior bitch ( 9, 2 abs) 1. Wragg’s Neroche Jeska. Beautiful young bitch of fourteen months , just right for her age. Lovely feminine head, good ears, very good neck and front. Excels in her topline, croup and hindquarters. Lovely definition of underline. Moved very well indeed. 2. Neroche Juno. I didn’t know that these two were littermates; but they are very alike. This one has a slightly stronger head, very good ears, front perhaps set a bit more forward than the winner. The same very good topline and finish over the croup to well angulated hindquarters. Moved well also. 3 Cockaigne Cytaugh v d Meirse Weiden At just 12 months very young in this class, and could carry more weight. Sweet head, rather large ears, good front, excellent topline and hindquarters. Just needs more depth of body to finish the picture. Moved very well to place in this large class.
Yearling bitch ( 8, 2 abs) Finnett & Heathcote’s Hyndsight Because the Night. This 20 month old bitch is so very pretty and shapely. Sweet feminine head, good ears, neck and front. Very strong topline, good croup and strong hindquarters. Moved very lightly and freely. A most promising youngster. 2 Greyflax Ruby Tuesday. Tall and quite substantial bitch of 22 months Lovely head, good ears . Good neck and front, where the upper arm is fairly upright. Excellent bone and feet. Excellent topline, good croup, strong hindquarters of more medium angulation. Moved very well.
Special beginners, novice ( 6) 1. Steele’s Sorimsway Field of Poppies. Two year old bitch, a bit shy. Pleasant head, good but rather narrow neck, rather forward set front, excellent bone and feet. Topline better on the move than when standing. Nicely angulated hindquarters. Moved well enough. 2. Chuilinn Bellina. Very pleasant little bitch. Pretty head , neck could be longer, good front and topline, good hindquarters of more medium angulation Moved very well. 3.Regalflight Fable. This two year old bitch is an enigma, stood she looks nothing, she does nothing to help herself, but she comes alive on the move, where she is so free and sound. Very pretty head. Lovely shaped body.
Special beginners, open ( 5) 1, Rhodes’ Regalflight Raffia of Lairgefyne. Two year old bitch, very nice and typical. Very nice head, good neck and front, excellent topline, croup and hindquarters. Very good mover. 2. Glenmorlich None so Pretty for Packway. Very nearly seven year old bitch. Very sweet old fashioned head, good neck and front, good topline standing, and good hindquarters. Moved well for her age. 3. Ardlancien Eiryn to Bargaled Another bitch who would do nothing to help herself. Nice head, good over the front and topline, and moved well enough.
Undergrad bitch ( 12, 4 abs) 1. Davis’ Marivon Florence. A very nice and typical bitch; not behaving very well, winning on her breed type. Nice head, good front and topline, good croup and hindquarters. Moved very well. 2. Hyndsight Reason to Believe. Bitch who scored on her lovely head and expression from good ears . Could have a longer neck and more definition to her topline Tended to stand very wide over her front. Moved really well. 3 Charbonnel Greta at Ladygrove. Bitch of quality, not wanting to show herself off. Good head and body, not in full coat. Tended to drop her topline. Moved well enough.
Post grad (7, 2 abs) 1. Bailey’s Greyflax Teen spirit .Tall and elegant bitch, just two years old. Very nice head, good ears. Good neck and front, although tending to an upright upper arm, excellent topline, croup and hindquarters. Moved very well, but tended to a narrow rear action. 2. Araceta Daydream believer. Two year old bitch who moved very well as seen from the side. Very nice head, low set ears very good shoulder and front, firm topline, good croup and hindquarters. Moved rather narrow in rear. 3. Pedlarspath Seren of Clanardwood. Earned her placing on her movement, this bitch has a pleasant head with high set ears, good front and topline, hindquarters of more medium angulation.
Limit bitch ( 17, 6 abs) 1. Phillips’ Charbonnel Gobi to Ladygrove. Very nice bitch, coming up to three years of age. She combines elegance and substance very well, lovely head, good ears, excellent front. Good bone, rather long feet. Excellent definition of topline and underline. Good over the croup and hindquarters. Moved very well, freely and lightly.2. Beardswood Quintessence. Another lovely bitch; taller than the winner. More angular in overall qualities, more upright in pasterns. Very pleasant feminine head, good ears, good front and strong hindquarters. Went well. 3; Cotherstone Islay Mist of Kaleginy. Yet another very good bitch. Very sweet feminine head, good front, and topline, went well.
Open bitch ( 14, 3 abs ) 1. And Best bitch, Macbean’s Ch Killoeter Ralia. Very classy four year old bitch, also very well handled. Very feminine, long narrow head, excellent ears. Good neck and front construction, very good bone, rather long feet. Excellent depth of body, giving her excellent definition of underline. Firm topline, excellent croup and hindquarters. Moved very gracefully, freely and well. 2. And Reserve Best bitch: Kilbourne Pandora to Talorpeche. An equally outstanding bitch, taller and presented in more coat.. Beautiful head with good ears, good neck and front. Excellent topline, beautiful over the croup and hindquarters. Moved very freely and powerfully. 3. Kilbourne Wendula. Half-sister, I note to the previous bitch , six years old and a bit stubborn Very pleasant head, rather deep set ears, very good front. Can stand overdone in topline on occasion, but overall her typiness won her this placing
Veteran bitch( 7, 4 abs) 1. Spring Arnold’s NL Ch. Jacobite Rosanne to Gentiehun. ( imp Aus) Seven year old bitch of very workmanlike type, quite different. Won this class on her muscular condition Nice head, rather large ears, reasonable front, topline and hindquarters. Long feet. Moved actively and well. 2. Regalflight Boreen at Sireadh. Rather shaggy bitch, of lovely type, showing her age more than the winner. Pleasant head, good ears, good front. Now dropping her topline and tending to stand under herself in rear. 3. Hamiltonhill one Vision. Finely boned bitch, of very nice type; also showing her age. More workmanlike in type stands very tied in elbow. Good topline, rear quarters no strong now.
Dagmar Kenis Pordham (judge) |